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Greenhouse Heating Systems Within a Growing Area

Greenhouse Heating Systems Within a Growing Area

When it comes to growing tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and often with many other vegetables and plants, there is one heating system layout within a growing area which produces best results.  In this post I will try to cover the main elements of this heating...
Geothermal Energy, King of the Energy Sources

Geothermal Energy, King of the Energy Sources

When all the energy sources for heating a greenhouse are considered, geothermal is really a King (or a Queen) among them. Geothermal Water There are several reasons for this and here are the most important ones: The cost of energy is very low and in some cases can be...
Best Heating Sources for Your Greenhouse

Best Heating Sources for Your Greenhouse

Best heating source is NO SOURCE… or almost none. Yes, really. There are locations in the world where winters are mild, temperatures don’t go below +10 °C (50°F) summer temperatures are max 40-42 °C (104 – 107 °F ) which is manageable. These...