Well, I would always say Yes, if the project can afford it.

UV system is a part of a irrigation water drain-return system. It allows the reusage of the drain water. If UV is not available, then using a drain return water would be a significant risk to the production because of the danger of plant diseases spreading across the greenhouse.
So here is the story…
If there is a plant disease starting somewhere in the greenhouse affecting few plants, this is a localized problem. But if this water with bacteria and viruses goes to a drain system and is reused without disinfection, then there is danger of this disease spreading very quickly throughout the greenhouse by means of irrigation water.

In order to prevent that, a UV sterilization unit is used to disinfect the drain water before it is used again for irrigation.
For this reason it is best to use UV disinfection machines which have a 100% disinfection capacity.
Key advantages of this are as follows:
- Effective disease control;
- Ability to reuse up to 40% of irrigation water. This means 40% of water is saved;
- There are huge savings in fertilizers since fertilizers from the drain water are used again for irrigation, and only missing fertilizers are added;
- Great system for ecology all together since it minimizes any wastewater which would otherwise have to go to the environment;
In conclusion… If the financing can afford it, go for it. But please be careful and choose a best quality UV equipment. Once installed, it is supposed to run 10-18 hours a day, every single day, and all your plants depend on it. So this is where you don’t want to save money. Either invest in top equipment, or don’t do it at all.